How to make hair softer

The dream of many women - have the beautiful, long, thick and soft hair. However, not all advertised resources can help with the problem of the rigidity of the hair. How to help your hair become softer and whether to buy expensive funds to soften the hair?

A few tips to soften the hair:

  • The Council, which must be observed not only to soften the hair, but also to save their thick, shiny and beautiful - for a comb should be taken only when the hair is dry.
  • Always use a conditioner after shampooing.
  • Choose a shampoo for your hair type, it is worth to give up funds line "2 in 1". Also, hair will be more useful if the shampoo is not Sodium Laural Sulfate, and generally means chemicals need to be used less frequently.
  • Hair may seem hard because of the water to avoid this, it is necessary to purchase a special filter that softens the water, purifying it from chlorine and other harmful substances.
  • It is necessary to reduce the frequency of and hot air dryers.
  • Even fat, but dry hair, do not wash every day, more good will wash every two or even three days.

Mask to soften the hair

In order to become a hair soft and manageable, not necessarily to buy expensive funds. Suffice it once a week to treat natural hair masks and soon the hair will become more attractive.

  • One of the most effective masks - of honey and apple cider vinegar for a couple of tablespoons of both ingredients. To it was added 30 ml of Castor oil to obtain an excellent medical mask. After applying it to your hair, you can insulate the head scarf. For best effect, keep the mask for about 40 minutes.
  • Another effective mask - beat a couple of eggs, put them in her hair (of course, slightly heating). This mask should be kept for half an hour under a warm scarf for the greenhouse effect. Before you completely wash off the mask, the hair can be rinsed with acetic water (100 ml apple cider vinegar per gallon of water). This simple recipe - but the result is guaranteed smooth and soft hair.
  • For those women who have a weakness for herbal infusions, we suggest you make a broth - chamomile, nettle, sage and lime blossom. They argue for an hour, then filtered and added to the infusion egg and ampule vitamin A. The mask also kept warm for about twenty minutes.
  • The same dejection of herbs (but without the eggs and vitamin ampoule's) can be mixed with the powder black or blue clay (proportions can be found on the packaging). The result obtained slurry, which is applied to the hair. Keep a very short time - no more than 7 minutes, and then wash everything thoroughly.